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Water Quality Planning

Water Quality

Water quality is an important contributor to the quality of life in the Richmond region.  From the water we drink to the rivers in which we recreate, to the wildlife we watch, none of it would be possible without clean water.  PlanRVA works with partners in each member locality and across Virginia to keep the region's waters healthy.

Much of the water quality planning work at PlanRVA involves planning for and encouraging Best Management Practices.  Best Management Practices, or BMPs, are physical and behavioral practices that can reduce pollution in our waterways.  Learn more about them here.

Water quality is a function, meaning not only of action in or near the water's edge but also how we build and live across the landscape. Activities on land can result in litter, sediment, and excessive nutrients washing into nearby streams and rivers making them polluted and inhospitable for native plants and wildlife.

Bacteria, Nitrates, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), and VOCs (volatile organic compounds) are all different pollutants commonly found in water sources. There are many ways to help reduce the amount of pollutants found in our water. To learn more about these pollutants, their impacts, and how to prevent them check out these infographics:





Plan RVA has partnered with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality to coordinate with member localities and other stakeholders in the Richmond region on efforts to restore the health of the Chesapeake Bay.  Click here to learn more or download our informational brochure.

How can you

Improve Water Quality?

Garden Sustainability

Instead of using fertilizer, use compost to enrich the soil.  Switch to drip irrigation to water the roots of plants directly.

Modernize Plumbing

Patch up leaks, replace toilets manufactured before 1992 that have a low flow function, and make sure to pump your septic tank every 3 to 5 years to ensure sewage is being adequately treated.

Prevent Erosion

If you own property next to a body of water, build a riparian buffer (natural vegetated buffer) to prevent erosion and sediment pollution.  This can be a fun family project!