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Central Virginia Transportation Authority

About Us

The Central Virginia Transportation Authority provides new funding opportunities for priority transportation investments across the region. This Authority was established by the 2020 General Assembly of Virginia. The Richmond Regional Planning District Commission  (PlanRVA) is a resource for the Authority through both expert planning advice and staff support. The Central Virginia Transportation Authority comprises the counties and cities located in Planning District 15.

The Authority administers transportation funding generated through the imposition of an additional regional 0.7 percent sales and use tax (revenue collection began October 2020) and a wholesale gas tax of 7.6 cents per gallon of gasoline and 7.7 cents per gallon of diesel fuel (revenue collection began July 2020). The gas tax rates is indexed for inflation. The bill requires a local maintenance of effort for transit funding of at least 50 percent of what was provided on July 1, 2020, with such amount indexed beginning in 2023. The Authority was directed to review the governance structure of existing transit service in the Richmond region, and evaluate the possibility of creating a transportation district, and reported its findings to the Governor and the General Assembly.


Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Presentations

Central Virginia Transportation Authority

Meeting Date
Oct 25, 2024
Sep 27, 2024
Aug 09, 2024
Dec 01, 2023
Jul 14, 2023
Feb 24, 2023
Jan 27, 2023
Oct 28, 2022
Mar 25, 2022
Jan 28, 2022