Oyster Shell Reycling Program
Oysters play a vital role in the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem. They naturally filter water in which they live, contributing to the health of the Bay. Oysters form reefs in the waters they inhabit. As a result of overconsumption, habitat loss, disease, and pollution, oyster numbers declined for decades. Oyster reefs, similar to coral reefs, provide habitat and nurseries for many water creatures. Oyster reefs also protect shorelines from storms and erosion. While oysters can establish themselves on various surfaces, oysters grow best on existing oyster shells. Returning oyster shells to our waterways helps maintain the oyster population.
The VCU Rice Rivers Center, an environmental science research and education center in Charles City County plays a key role in returning disposed oyster shells into the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. Currently, there are 50 restaurants that participate in VOSRP including many in the Richmond area. A list of participating restaurants can be found here. You can also recycle your personal oysters at one of the 30 public drop-off locations, which can be found here.
Source: VCU Rice Rivers Center
Consumed oyster shells are picked up from around 80 locations and brought to the VCU Rivers Rice Center where they can age. After around a year, these aged shells are placed in tanks where baby oysters can attach themselves, grow, and then be returned to the ocean. Each recycled oyster shell can be used to support up to 15 baby oysters.
Source: Virginia Commonwealth University
- If your favorite restaurants don't participate in the VOSRP share with them and suggest that they join.
- Volunteer for VOSRP with opportunities ranging from housing a farm to picking up recycled oysters.
- Recycle your own oysters or become an oyster gardener. Learn more here.
- Visit the VCU Rice Rivers Center page to learn more about their program and how you can get involved.
How can I help?
- If your favorite restaurants don't participate in the VOSRP share with them and suggest that they join.
- Volunteer for VOSRP with opportunities ranging from housing a farm to picking up recycled oysters.
- Recycle your own oysters or become an oyster gardener. Learn more here.
- Visit the VCU Rice Rivers Center page to learn more about their program and how you can get involved.

This project, Task # 48 was funded by the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program led by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality through Grant FY20 # NA20NOS4190207 of the US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic, and Atmospheric Administration, under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the US Department of Commerce, NOAA, or any of its subagencies.