Environment OPEN ENVIRONMENT MENUCLOSE ENVIRONMENT MENU MENURegional CoordinationEnvironmental & Intergovernmental ReviewsWater Quality Planning / Chesapeake Bay BMP'sSeptic SystemsOystersWatershed Resource Mapping Program Plant RVA NativesRivers Planning Below the FallsLower Chickahominy The Watershed EnvironmentHistory & CultureLand & Water Use The Project Economic StudyRecreation and EcotourismOutreach The Collaborative Partners Litter Prevention Don't Trash Central VirginiaMembersPartnersActionsMarine Debris ResilienceFlood RiskSolarClimate Action Plan Litter Prevention Don't Trash Pledge Form Please enter your name below: First Last *OptionalThe Pledge Please provide your initials in response to the pledges below.I pledge to do my part to help keep Central VA litter-free by never littering because I know the harmful impact it has on my community.(Required)I pledge to place litter in a bin, receptacle, container, ashtray or litter bag that I can take home to dispose of properly.(Required)I pledge to do my best to pick up litter when I see it and to encourage others to do the same.(Required)Would you like to receive a Don't Trash sticker for signing the pledge? Yes No Would you like to be entered into the Don't Trash giveaway for your participation? Yes No Address Street Address Address Line 2 City Virginia State ZIP Code *OptionalEmail Address *OptionalTHANK YOU! Thank you for taking the pledge to help keep Central Virginia litter-free! Please check out the Don't Trash Central VA webpage at www.DontTrashCentralVA.org.CAPTCHA Δ