Greater RVA Transit Vision Plan
The Richmond Regional Transportation Planning Organization (RRTPO) in partnership with the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) completed the Greater RVA Transit Vision Plan (transit2040) in February 2017. The RRTPO accepted and endorsed transit2040 in April 2017.
The purpose of transit2040 Phase II is to identify a range of short-term (1-5 years) and medium-term (6-10 years) needs and options for transit services, transit preferential treatments, if any, and transit-oriented land use that would advance the next incremental steps toward reaching the long-term goals of transit2040. Phase II focuses on the corridors identified in the transit2040 vision for high-frequency (20-minutes or less) service by 2040. The Phase II technical study is operating within the long-term recommendations and vision gained through the transit2040 process and endorsed by the RRTPO. Phase II is not intended to alter the 2040 vision.
The study has reached the final stage of review focused on the corridors or corridor-segments indicated in purple on the map below. The preliminary assessment of capital and operating costs for these segments has been completed to guide the TPO Policy Board’s action to adopt the Phase II Greater RVA Transit Vision Plan-Near Term Strategic Technical Analysis in September/October 2020.
View the Greater RVA Transit Vision Plan Executive Summary StoryMap
RVA Transit Vision Plan
Near-Term Strategic Technical Analysis: