Transportation OPEN TRANSPORTATION MENUCLOSE TRANSPORTATION MENUProducts Pathways to the FutureLong Range Transportation PlanTransportation Improvement ProgramCongestion Management ProcessRegional Transportation FundingBike Ped PlanGIS Geo-Hub Unified Planning Work ProgramPublic Engagement PlanTitle VIAbout Us Governance StructureCommitteesAgendas, Minutes and PresentationsBylaws, Policies/Procedures and Guidance Documents Members Policy BoardExecutive CommitteeTechnical Advisory CommitteeCommunity Transportation Advisory Committee Learn More All About Transportation What is Transportation Planning?Federal & State RequirementsHow Does it All Fit Together? Transportation Planningin our RegionStatewide Planning & ProgrammingBest Practices COVID-19 Pandemic and Mobility PlanRVA is tracking data related to the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on transportation in the region.