about us
Standing Committees
The RRTPO is served by one standing committee, the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee works to facilitate work program planning and management of the regional transportation planning process by providing policy guidance and input on future agenda items. The committee recommends amendments to the-adopted Unified Planning Work Program and Transportation Improvement Program, recommends additions and/or revisions to the highway functional classification system, approves socioeconomic data and forecasts, and recommends endorsements of requests from local governments, agencies, and other organizations seeking state and federal grant funds.
The Executive Committee consists of the officers of the MPO, the immediate past Chairman of the MPO, and one representative from each jurisdiction not having an officer on the MPO.
Advisory Committees
The RRTPO is served by two advisory committees: the Technical Advisory Committee and the Community Transportation Advisory Committee.
Technical Advisory Committee
The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) works alongside professional staff to develop planning and programming recommendations for the Transportation Policy Board.
The TAC consists of administrators, planning directors, and transportation engineers from local governments and transportation related agencies.
Community Transportation Advisory Committee
The Community Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) serves as an advisory committee to the RRTPO Board.
This committee gives the citizens of our region, a unique opportunity to help guide the transportation planning process and to lend a citizen’s lens through which our process can be viewed. The CTAC ensures that the voices and perspectives of the public are received by the RRTPO and considered in our transportation planning process.