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Be Aware

Help for Common Emergencies in Central Virginia


Cybersecurity involves preventing, detecting and responding to cyberattacks that can have wide-ranging effects on the individual, organizations, the community and at the national level. Cyberattacks are malicious attempts to access or damage a computer system. Cyberattacks can lead to loss of money, theft of personal information, and damage to your reputation and safety. Cyberattacks are malicious attempts to access or damage a computer system.

Protect yourself against a cyberattack

  • Keep software and operating systems up-to-date.
  • Use strong passwords and two-factor authentication (two methods of verification).
  • Watch for suspicious activity. When in doubt, do not click. Do not provide personal information.
  • Use encrypted (secure) internet communications.
  • Create backup files.
  • Protect your home and/or business Wi-Fi network.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) provides resources to help individuals stay safe online. Visit their online resource guide and read these tip cards for more information.

DHS Tip Cards: