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Inaugural PlanRVA Day a Success!

A day of learning, networking and collaboration. To celebrate PlanRVA’s new office space in the Manchester neighborhood and another exciting year of community collaboration, we invited partners to a day-long open house on June 1, 2023. PlanRVA Day included many sessions that followed one central theme: Placemaking in the region. The event kicked-off following the…

PlanRVA worked with local Art & Innovation Studio Another Limited Rebellion to create a collaboration mural in the new PlanRVA office space. Photo by Ansel Olson Photography.

Equitable and Inclusive Purchasing Practices at PlanRVA

PlanRVA worked with local Art & Innovation Studio Another Limited Rebellion to create a collaboration mural in the new PlanRVA office space. Photo by Ansel Olson Photography. The growing focus on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) within the workplace has implications beyond recruiting, beyond putting in place hiring practices designed to result in a diverse…

Row houses in Richmond, Virginia with some natural shade from trees.

Bolstering the Richmond Region’s Resilience Toward Extreme Heat

Like everywhere else on the planet, the Richmond Region is susceptible to a variety of risks, and among the most concerning are those related to climate change. Droughts and floods, warming oceans, rising sea levels – all of these conditions and more pose both near- and long-term risk to human health and economic prosperity. To…


Don’t Trash Central Virginia

If you care about the local environment, take the Don’t Trash Central Virginia pledge.  Almost $3.5 million is spent every year cleaning up litter on Virginia’s roadways, which often washes into storm drains, potentially blocking them and polluting streams and rivers.   To help tackle litter and keep our community clean, PlanRVA works with localities and…

Goochland County Supervisor and RRTPO board chair John L. Lumpkins, Jr. shares remarks.

2023 Transportation Projects and Goals in the RVA Region

Goochland County Supervisor and RRTPO board chair John L. Lumpkins, Jr. shares remarks during the 2023 RRTPO Transportation Forum. A Recap of the 2023 RRTPO Transportation Forum On March 17, PlanRVA and ChamberRVA hosted the annual Richmond Region Transportation Planning Organization (RRTPO) Transportation Forum. Experts from localities and organizations across the region shared goals and…


Preview: The 2023 Richmond Regional Transportation Planning Organization Transportation Forum on March 17

PlanRVA and ChamberRVA are partnering for the 2023 Richmond Regional Transportation Planning Organization Transportation Forum on Friday, March 17 to build momentum around big transportation ideas. From the upcoming Fall Line Trail to public transportation expansions, the region’s leaders are working alongside community members to make our roads, trails and pedestrian infrastructure safer and more accessible…


Flood Preparedness and Safety Tips

It’s important to know your risk and be prepared in the event of a flood emergency. In honor of Severe Weather Preparedness month in March, including Virginia Flood Awareness Week from March 12 – 18, we’re sharing a few tips and resources to help you plan ahead. Understanding Flood Types According to the Virginia Department…

Ashland Trolley Line cross at Upham Brook, just south of Hilliard Rd.

Share Your Stories: PlanRVA Launches Public History Project for Ashland Trolley Line

Ashland Trolley Line cross at Upham Brook, just south of Hilliard Rd. For more than three decades at the beginning of the twentieth century, the Ashland Trolley Line connected the city of Richmond to the town of Ashland. From 1907-1938, the streetcar line played a major role in the development of neighborhoods along its 14.8-mile…


Introducing PlanRVA’s New, Inclusive and Accessible Office Space

Photo taken by Baskervill In January 2023, the PlanRVA team officially moved into their new office located in The Current, a modern mixed-use building in the Manchester neighborhood. With floor-to-ceiling windows that bathe the space in natural light and a breezy roof terrace offering stunning views of the James River and downtown Richmond skyline, the new…

PlanRVA staff at the 2022 NADO Annual Training Conference in Pittsburgh.

PlanRVA Brings Home Three 2022 NADO Impact Award Certificates

PlanRVA staff at the 2022 NADO Annual Training Conference in Pittsburgh. Earlier this year, PlanRVA was awarded three 2022 Aliceann Wohlbruck Impact Awards from the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) during its 2022 Annual Training Conference in Pittsburgh. PlanRVA was recognized for its work to develop ConnectRVA 2045, in support of the Central Virginia…