Q&A: CVTA Executive Director, Chet Parsons

Central Virginia Transportation Authority Executive Director, Chet Parsons.
The Central Virginia Transportation Authority Board of Directors recently selected Chet Parsons, AICP CTP, as the organization’s first executive director.
The CVTA was established by the Virginia General Assembly in 2020 to provide and direct new funding opportunities for the region’s transportation investments. Parsons has acted as the CVTA’s administrator since its inception in his capacity of Director of Transportation at PlanRVA. He brings 26 years of applicable experience to the table, including a broad base of transportation planning experience and direct working relationships with the nine CVTA locality members.
Learn what Chet has planned for the near and long-term future of the CVTA in the Q&A below.
What are you most excited about as you head into this new position?
I’m excited about the opportunity to continue the work that the CVTA has been able to accomplish already. To date, we have been able to support over $80 million in funding for GRTC, $267 million in funding direct transportation investments at the local level and over $187 million in regionally significant transportation projects. We’re just seeing the tip of the iceberg in terms of impact of the CVTA on transportation investment!
Looking ahead, what are your future plans for the CVTA?
When the time is right, the CVTA will be considering the need for new transportation investments and other ways to build on its broad base of pay-as-you-go projects. We’re going to make sure that tax dollars going into the CVTA are leveraging significant investment in our communities and helping to grow the region.
What new projects are coming up that the CVTA is involved in?
The CVTA continuously disburses 50% of the revenues collected directly back to the region’s nine localities, which have dozens of projects already in development of under construction.
In addition to local support, the regional funding from the CVTA has contributed to 45 major projects including the widening the 29-mile gap of Interstate 64 in New Kent County, developing segments of the brand new Fall Line Trail between Ashland and Petersburg, developing a connector trail and innovative bridge to the new Green City development in Henrico County and adding much-needed capacity to Woolridge Road in Chesterfield County as Upper Magnolia Green rounds into shape.
Where do you see the CVTA in 5 or 10 years?
In 5-10 years, I would like to have the CVTA in a sound financial position that allows the Authority to be relied on as a partner that makes great ideas a reality.
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